On today’s show our guest is Tony Schwartz. Tony is considered one of the world’s thought leaders around sustainable high performance and building more human workplaces. He is the founder of The Energy Project, a consulting firm committed to creating work cultures that are more human, more energized and higher performing.

He began his career as a journalist and has been a reporter for the New York Times, a writer for Newsweek and a contributor to publications such as EsquireVanity Fair, and the Harvard Business Review.

He is also a New York Times Bestselling author of several books, including The Power of Full Engagement and The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working

At the height of his career as a journalist, Tony hit an unexpected wall. He started questioning.. Why did success suddenly feel so empty?  How could he add richer meaning to his everyday life? And where do we go and what do we do to find the answers? All of my favorite questions.

For five years he explored these questions, compiled his learnings and wrote the book What Really Matters: Searching For Wisdom in America. I really enjoyed it. Definitely check it out. (Allegedly there is a sequel of sorts in the works, which I can’t wait to get my hands on.)

In today’s episode we cover a lot of ground, including:

  • His journey of self-discovery and how he’s become truer to his purpose over time
  • He explains how we have multiple selves and how we have the ability to choose which one we act from
  • And for a first on the podcast we talk POLITICS! Tony explains how Donald Trump inadvertently helped him move closer to his purpose in life

You guys are going to love Tony. Hope you enjoy the show.



The Energy Project https://theenergyproject.com/

BOOK: What Really Matters by Tony Schwartz

BOOK: The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz

BOOK: The Power of Full Engagement by Tony Schwartz

NOTE ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media accounts are now under “School Your Soul.” (see more info on this below) Same content different name -except for Facebook which is still The Daily Cordial Podcast. Info on the podcast will be included on all of these accounts.






It’s been a little while since my last episode so I wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been working on.


Since I started the podcast, listeners have been asking for ways to apply the practices, mindsets and wisdom and all the stuff we talk about on the show into their life in a practical way.


And I think that’s one of the challenges about personal development is we can get the concepts intellectually but to apply them to our lives and create LASTING change is a whole separate challenge.


So I decided to take matters into my own hands and I launched a company! It’s called School Your Soul and I’m creating online programs, courses, workshops and retreats that are geared to help you deepen your relationship with yourself and others, re-program your mindset to experience more joy and


We’ll cover topics like mindfulness, uncovering your blocks, healing old wounds, discovering your purpose, and ultimately the goal is to help you show up every day as the highest expression of yourself, connect and give to others and lead a joyful and meaningful life. So that’s where I’m headed, let me know if you have any requests!


My first course is called The Relationship Reboot, it’s a 6-week video course where I share TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOLS that will REBOOT and deepen your relationship in 6 weeks.


I have an amazing class that I’ve been working with already. It’s been so cool to see the transformations and insights. And it’s getting me so excited to continue this work.. My next program is going to be an intensive 6 week course, where I work 1-on-1 and in groups with people to help them re-connect to their AUTHENTIC self.. and it’s going to be life changing.


And before we get to the show… I’ve got so many gifts for you guys!

First off… I’m giving away a 3-part video series where I share – how you can break free from unhealthy patterns in 3 simple steps. The 3 most powerful tools that will help you create LASTING change. All you have to do to get that is go to https://www.schoolyoursoul.com/3-free-video-offer/


Second gift, I’m offering a major discount on The Relationship Reboot –exclusively for my listeners – the course is valued at $97 but for you guys – if you type in the promo code: THEDAILYCORDIAL at check out, it will take $60 off! So you’ll get the course for just $37! That’s an insane deal. And since I’m in the early stages of development you’ll also get to work 1 on 1 with me if you sign up now. https://www.schoolyoursoul.com/store/therelationshipreboot


AND – as a gift to you guys, in 2018, I’m going to be offering 8 free 1 hour Skype sessions with me. It’s going to be a “healing and discovery session” to help you uncover any blocks and re-connect to your authentic self. And I’ll provide you with daily practices, customized to your specific needs, that you can incorporate into your life. If you’re interested email me at schoolyoursoul@gmail.com

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