When the weight of your giving exceeds that of your pain, that’s when everything changes.
– Mathieu Twagirumukiza, Survivor of the Genocide in Rwanda

(There is no limit great or small, be a part of a peaceful future!)
You don’t want to miss this inspiring and transformative conversation. Join us!
In today’s episode we discuss:
- Her 7-step process for becoming your most authentic self, which she calls “The Grace Process”
- How a near-death experience changed her life
- How to discover your purpose
- What the “Ultimate Transformation Trap” is
- What is Tapping and how you can try it at home
- What she’s learned from working with trauma victims in Rwanda and Newtown, CT.
- And tons more
Listen here:
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In today’s show we explore:
- Lori’s childhood trauma and search for healing
- Stress-related problems for Lori when in her 30’s
- The first book, about healing tools and strategies
- 2003: Lori left home and her marriage, had two surgeries, and a near-death experience
- Researching everything in life as a choice
- A move from Rhode Island to California
- Development of The Grace Process
- Harnessing the energy of grace
- Grace: a feeling of oneness when the ordinary becomes extraordinary
- The Formula: choice, forgiveness, and be open to the energies of gratitude, love, wonder, and joy
- The Ultimate Transformation Trap
- Are you in your head or in your heart?
- At ease with uncertainty
- What we all want—to be seen and heard
- Noticing when you’re contracted
- Stories of REAL forgiveness
- Finding peace
- EFT and tapping: how it works
- Tapping down anxiety and stress
- Understanding your blocks
- Receiving vs. Giving
- Lori shares her greatest lesson of healing, her favorite transformational books, and a guided meditation!
Resources from the Episode:
www.lorileyden.com (Find information about her Outrageous Grace course and other upcoming events.)
www.lorileyden.com/grace (View the replay of Lori’s webinar!)
Lori’s organization Create Global Healing
WATCH Trailer for Lori’s documentary – https://www.createglobalhealing.org/media/
WATCH FULL VERSION of Lori’s documentary – https://www.createglobalhealing.org/acep/
Lori’s book – The Grace Process Guidebook
Lori’s book – Stress Management Handbook: Strategies for Health and Inner Peace
Watch a POWERFUL story of healing in this documentary about Lori’s work:
Let’s Connect
I would love to hear your feedback and get to know you guys so if you have topic requests or guest suggestions or just want to say hi – you can reach me at [email protected] or on social media below